If the main objective is beating Obama, Mike Huckabee’s name doesn’t belong anywhere near the list of people to do it.
I disagree. Huckabee is a very shrewd politician and he rarely ever stumbles on his words, he is very articulate and has a Reagan sense of humor that appeals to folks. He wouldn’t have messed up the Couric and Gibson interviews as badly as Palin did. He slam dunked every other candidate during the primary debates, with logic and humor.
Even some libs realize that Huckabee is a good contendor against Obama (esp. if Obama’s numbers continue to tank and end up in the 30% range by election period). This is a post about it on the Huffington Puffington Post from a lib:
Do not mistake a pretty face with a real politician.
“Huckabee is shrewd. His political talents are vastly underestimated. You may think of him as a tool of the right, but he knows how to play to independents, minorities and moderate Dems and Republicans.
Two years is a long time in politics, but I predict Huckabee will have another good run and he might even get the nomination. I predicted (wrongly) that he would get the nomination in 2008 because of his ability to connect.
He’s someone we can all identify with on one or more levels. He nursed his wife through a bout of cancer (loving husband). He spoke out against detractors of Jeremiah Wright (fair-minded). He lost a lot of weight (the kind of willpower and determination most of us envy). He plays the Blues (cool). He’s friends with the Clintons (bi-partisan).
Democrats should not fear Sarah Palin. They should fear Mike Huckabee.”