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To: betty boop; Alamo-Girl
Thank you for the pings. This is an interesting discussion ... may I interject a rather simple thought process into the mix?

Physicists tell us that space and time came into expression/existence with the creation of the universe we inhabit. Let's look first at dimension Space and its three variable expressions, using an 'allegory'.

To draw a line--representing linear Space--oe starts with a point on a page then holds down the pencil/pen and tracks a line. If one rapidly scribbles side to side with the writing instrument upon the page, while drawing the insturment forawrd of backward, the essence of a plane is expressed using merely lines. Did The Creator start at a point of thought and express first a linear expression of Space? When the linear 'stretched' as far as The Creator wanted, did this linear expression 'phase shift' into planar Space, and likewise at some desired expansion, the Planar Space 'phase shift' into Volumetric Space?

We could make an allegory for the unfolding of dimension Time, also, similar to linear, planar, and volumetric--past similar to linear, present similar to planar, and future similar to volume.

If we think of a quark as a packet of energy with certain expressions, would that not be a remnant of the phase shift states? Who is to say that the presnet universe we inhabit is not a phase shift state where more phase shifts have occurred since our 4D expressed?

And one further thought: when we expereince the universe, we do so as a projection based upon data received from temporal locations already in the past to us because we have a lagtime from energy/particle/wave emission to energy/particel/wave reception. Can anyone imagine a being able to sense in the present of an event, rather than extrapolating from past micro-events to fashion a storyline for reality?

We know we receive data fromt he recent past. We believe we exist in the present, and hope for the future. The 'future/volumetric' may already be, we just haven't reached that where/when yet.

81 posted on 09/16/2009 4:28:48 PM PDT by MHGinTN (Dems, believing they cannot be deceived, it is impossible to convince them when they are deceived.)
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To: MHGinTN; betty boop
Thank you so much for sharing your speculations, dear brother in Christ!

I have no idea whether God created linear space ahead of multiple spatial dimensions or linear time ahead of multiple temporal dimensions (if there are more than one.)

However, if He created multiple expanded (as contrasted to compactified or Kaluza/Klein) dimensions of time - then it would follow that past, present and future exist concurrently.

As you say, we are not aware of the present, only the past due to the time lag between perception and cognition. So depending on the number and types of dimensions (which are both unknown and unknowable) we may be traveling towards a future that already exists.

To an outside observer, that scenario would be as if we are living actors in a movie he is watching. To God, the entire movie would be observed at once.

One might think such a structure would preclude free will, but that is not necessarily so because the designer, God, could also have built in freedom of movement with limitations. Or to put it another way, His will could not be thwarted even though He allowed the actors to have self-will.

103 posted on 09/16/2009 11:01:26 PM PDT by Alamo-Girl
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