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To: SlowBoat407
The fact is, no one who knew these people had a camera on them would have given them the time of day, let alone played along. They have no proof that they didn't mean what they said. ACORN cannot get out of this one, as for their statement that they are not in the prostitution business why have all 4 videos shown the people saying the exact same things and coming up with the same solutions.

If ACORN knew about this why didn't they release a statement about it before the tapes came out?

Their whole denial is laughable.

162 posted on 09/15/2009 8:38:06 PM PDT by calex59 (FUBO, we want our constitution back and we intend to get it!)
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To: calex59

why have all 4 videos shown the people saying the exact same things and coming up with the same solutions.

If ACORN knew about this why didn’t they release a statement about it before the tapes came out?


If just one of the employees had alerted a supervisor about her “suspicions”
and had that supervisor/administrator agreed that this couple were trouble
and had she alerted her supervisor/administrator
a bolo should have gone out to every office to watch out for these two imposters.

But this could not have happened.

Thus, the conversations of James and did not raise any kind of red flags in dozens of different offices.

The only conclusion is that ACORN employees have to be oriented to not be “judgmental.”

248 posted on 09/16/2009 5:33:15 AM PDT by maica (Politics is not about facts. it is about what politicians can get people to believe. - Thomas Sowell)
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