I feel bad....NOT...LOL!
He knows I had planned to be in Washington until Mom’s cancer came back and my priorities had to change, so he hasn’t been too hard on me. This is just the beginning of this movement though and wow..how inspiring today. There will be other rallies in the future that hopefully we can attend. I have been brought to tears several times today just witnessing the patriots,the songs and the speakers. Marcus did us proud too. Loved his song!
Found this video on Drudge - it is awesome. And shows how fired up everyone is. Made me laugh.
What a fantastic event!
I made it to the stop at Scranton....got to see Lloyd up close and hear him sing his song. Shook his hand, too.
I would love to see the numbers who tuned in and add them to the crowds on scene. I am betting it is HUGE!
Sorry about your mother, I spent two years caring for my mother.....she died in 2001 weeks before 9/11.
and Lloyd’s little braid going down his back was cute! LOL