To: fantom
I don’t work for Fox, so I don’t have specific figures, and I expect those are a closely guarded secret. I was just describing how TV ad sales work. A lot of people here seem to be considering boycotting or patronizing certain businesses based on whether they see their ads on Beck now, or whether they used to see their ads on Beck and don’t see them there anymore. I was just pointing out that it doesn’t work that way. If you can find information from a particular advertiser, saying that it has specifically pulled advertising from Beck’s show, then that’s significant information. But you can’t tell anything about an advertiser’s position re Beck just by watching to see what companies’ ads are being shown during the show.
48 posted on
09/05/2009 10:02:18 AM PDT by
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To: GovernmentShrinker
Yes , well i too know how ad placement works. If a client of mine refuses to run in specific time slots , they don't run. If i purchase time on the Super Bowl that's where it runs. If i place a political ad on the nightly mews that's where it runs. No one drops millions on tv ads to have them run at 4 am while their competitor runs in prime time. . That is why networks spend big money to promote certain bell cow programs. I don't know about becks sales figure's either , i do know from what i have seen , his time slot is full. If the clients objected it would not be the case. At any rate , as i mentioned before , this story appeared here days ago as a piece from the Chronicle.
61 posted on
09/05/2009 10:21:23 AM PDT by
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