The DI was in on it from the beginning, giving advice to the board on how to go about introducing ID. The DI got worried after they found out the defense had already exposed their religious motives. That would be a killer since the whole charade is about presenting ID as science, not religion. The DI then quit the case, not wanting to be behind a failed test case, and didn't let Dembski and Meyer testify as planned.
They were smart to pull out. Turns out the Christian ID proponents in question made a mess of it, perjuring themselves under oath.
opposes mandating it in schools because it is a relatively new concept
That is completely opposite of their stated plan to get ID into schools by 2003, regardless of whether it is accepted science. The statement is spin, believable only by those who don't know the facts.
Well, show them. I have posted a newspaper excerpt which indicates what I stated. The wedge document has been explained by the CSC and is no plan for a "test" case, especially in relation to Dover, which, as I demonstrated, was rejected by the Discovery Institute. So show your "conspiratorial" facts. The link I provided to the University of Missouri is fairly clear on the conspiracy in the Scopes case.