No kidding. If owing lots makes you lots richer, then all those people in bankruptcy court are surely among the wealthiest in the country, eh?
Stark’s concern for the debt and deficit seem to fluctuate with the Party in power:
“The Republicans took a 5 trillion dollar surplus and turned it into a 3 trillion dollar deficit in four years. That’s over 8 trillion dollars down the drain. And what happened? They gave almost all of it in tax cuts to the very wealthy, and the needless war in Iraq. What did we lose? We lost almost 3 million American jobs. We had a cut in average income of $1,600. We have one out of every six children living in poverty. We have cut public funding for public education. We have relaxed laws to protect the environment.”
HMMM this seems a little different than his current belief that we are wealthier now that we have a larger debt and deficit.