Thread by NYer.
.- An upcoming pro-life documentary named Blood Money aims to shake the viewer to the very core and expose the inconvenient truth about the money involved in the abortion industry. The documentary interviews pro-life leaders, former abortionists, and women who have been harmed by abortion.
One of the interviewees featured in the movie trailer, Carol Everett, was a part owner of several abortion clinics in the Dallas area who has repented of her involvement in abortion.
In the Blood Money trailer she talks of the unsavory practices her clinics were involved in.
Our goal was three to five abortions from every girl from the ages 13 to 18, she says.
Everett describes a plan to sell abortions by using sex education to break down the natural modesty of children, separate them from their parents and their values, and establish the abortion provider as the sex expert in young peoples lives. . .
A reckoning is on the horizon!
Thanks for the ping!
Thread by NYer.
An exceptionally touching 9 minute video of a courageous, loving couple who show what it means to be pro-life, give life and reject the life-demeaning advise of professionals.