Well, I don't know about your particular unit but if you missed a certain amount of drills in mine you were not allowed to re-enlist and, if a member were on his/her initial enlistment and missed drills, they were sent to the active USMC or Navy...to my knowledge that's the way the Army and Air Force Reserve Component worked too. I suppose the Guard works differently but according to this: it doesn't
Dont be trying to convince this audience that if they join the Guard that they are signing their life away, if they want to move to another state or if they have to miss a few drills then the Guard is fine with that.
Well, I'm certainly glad that you're now out and we don't have to depend on your "patriotism" and demonstrated attitude about missing drills and probably vital training to defend our country but thanks for your service anyway!
I wonder if Bushs Guard duty might have been a little more intense than yours, what did you do in the navy reserves?
It began after boot camp at Naval Supply Activity DaNang Vietnam (no combat but one attack on the base where I spent about 8 hours in a bomb shelter) ... I signed up for an active duty stint to get out of there and went into the submarine service where I spent four years; after discharge I went on to college on the G.I. Bill and joined the Navy Reserves and retired after Desert Storm and Shield in March 1991.
As a dishonorable man you tried to twist the facts about the National Guard and making up drills into a lying claim about me missing drills.
Actually I spent a lot of time on active duty, not only not missing drills but filling in the slots for overseas duty with foreign Special Operations units, being such a high speed unit made it difficult to keep our training exercises fully manned since it involved so much time to off work to maintain the foreign assignments, it was a unit that saw much sacrifice from it's members in income and family life. For those of us that were spending months a year on various overseas foreign training it meant living in poverty and working low paid, short lived jobs in between missions and high levels of fitness training in our own time.
Your disgusting attack on Bush's military service says a lot about you. Maybe you have a thing against guys that do exciting things in the military.