Michael Graham, a New England conservative talk show host, chalks it up to "battered voter syndrome."
In lay terms, this is a reference to any person who, because of constant and severe political violence usually involving economic and constitutional abuse by government, becomes depressed and unable to take any independent action that would allow him or her to escape the abuse. The condition explains why abused people often do not seek assistance from others, fight their abuser, or leave the abusive situation. Sufferers have low self-esteem, and often believe that the abuse is their fault. Such persons usually refuse to press criminal charges against their abusers, and refuse all offers of help, often becoming aggressive or abusive to others who attempt to offer assistance. Often sufferers will even seek out the government for comfort shortly after an incident of abuse.
You don’t really buy that do you? It’s well written psycho-babble. The entire state can’t fall into this category; maybe some do but not all. It’s stupidity.......but if I can just add, perhaps the people there are so hacked off and not stupid and we’re not hearing that. And that’s why Dead Ted (sorry) wants the Senator appointed instead of a special election.
Didn’t he get it changed during Romney’s tenure........from an appointment system to a special election and now he wants it changed back? That guy has probably done more damage to this Nation than all the others combined.