He really epitomizes the phrase “educated fool”. But maybe he’s good for our side, because reasonable people hearing him spew this garbage will reject it and move further to conservative ideology.
His thesis that people 80 years of age are racists is just about the most absurd piece of crap I ever recall hearing. PhD or not, Marc Lamont Hill makes Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackass look like geniuses.
Yeah, and the man pulled down the sign because it was about Rosa Parks. And it didn’t matter whether he even knew who Rosa Parks was. Etc..
Worst segment evah.
A PHD is not necessarily a sign of great intelligence or accomplishment.
This tenured racist and others like him -- Cornel West and Henry Louis Gates come to mind -- hold positions of enormous responsibility in prestigious American colleges (Columbia, Princeton and Harvard). How in the name of common sense did the world get turned so upside-down? People actually pay outrageous amounts of tuition each year to have their kids' minds polluted with the anti-White nonsense spewed by these bigots.