That's a possibility but who would go to the trouble of reporting it to them? Have to be a real Obama fan. We saw hundreds of Bush-chimp photos and I never thought of reporting it to PhotoBucket.
I have a little ‘naked’ person gif that is running away and I put Obama’s head on it and they deleted it. I wasn't surprised at that one even though it showed just a butt, lol.
I don't much doubt anything that happens anymore. Look how slow our forum has been, DOS attacks for almost a week lately.
That was my point. A simple "Properties" check.
Also, I've had 3 pics pulled on FR in the last week, that I have posted MANY TIMES BEFORE on FR with NO PROBLEM, and then 3 in less than a week, and my Photobucket goes nuts AT THE SAME TIME......
I agree.....FR DOS attacks, and THESE are causing me FR problems within the last week also....
OK....Back to "regular" FR programmimg!!