the 1935 hurricane never struck the “mainland” clipped the Florida Keys. Hurricane Camille is still the the most powerful storm of any kind to ever strike the mainland of the United States. A wind recording device failed and stuck at 172 m.p.h at Boothville, La...and that was on left quadrant side, usually the weakest side. One ocean going vessel recorded a gust of 237 m.p.h. Also, Camille’s barometric pressure was the lowest ever recorded that far north of the equator. Its thought that the storms very rare small size contributed to the astounding wind speeds that were seen. Survivors all say that the sound of the storm was unbelievable....truly a bench mark storm.
909 mb
estimated near 30 foot surge in places
had it been as slow moving as Katrina nothing with warm blood would have survived between Pass Road and the way