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To: Miss Marple
Doctors can only take what fees Medicare will reimburse. If they try to recoup their actual costs they end up in trouble with the law. This is why some doctors won’t take Medicare patients. Others (like my orthopaedic guy) make up the shortfall by charging higher fees to insurance companies who pay for younger patients, hence the higher medical costs. Medicare is actually the cause of much of the higher insurance costs for under 65 Americans.

Nine out of ten Medicare recipients, including myself and my wife, have private, supplementary insurance to cover what Medicare doesn't. My doctor charges me the market rate and then is reimbursed by Medicare and my private insurance company.

It is Medicaid that is the problem. Medicaid payments to doctors and hospitals are already so low – 30 to 40 percent less than under Medicare, that a growing number of doctors and hosptials don't accept Medicaid patients.

249 posted on 08/16/2009 7:55:09 AM PDT by kabar
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To: kabar

Back from church.

Medicare supplemental insurance only pays for items covered by Medicare. For example, if your doctor recommends a treatment not covered by Medicare your insurance won’t cover it either.

With my parents’ insurance (through the retired teacher’s association) it covered the deductible on the ALLOWED fees. That meant if the real fee was $1000, Medicare allowed a total fee of $500, of which they paid 80%. The insurance would pay the 20% of the $500, not 20% of $1000.

And of course, all of this is very confusing to many seniors. And lots of people who are NOT seniors.

343 posted on 08/16/2009 10:24:18 AM PDT by Miss Marple
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To: kabar; Miss Marple

Nine out of ten Medicare recipients, including myself and my wife, have private, supplementary insurance to cover what Medicare doesn't. My doctor charges me the market rate and then is reimbursed by Medicare and my private insurance company.

True, except the supplemental insurance only picksup the 20% of the 100% Medicare allowable.

a routine office visit of say 15 minutes the Dr charges say 150.00 Medicare allow 61.31 and pay 49.05 and the supplemental will pay the rest up to the 61.31.

439 posted on 08/16/2009 2:57:21 PM PDT by markman46 (engage brain before using keyboard!!!)
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