“Rich people will always be able to go offshore where the best doctors and equipment will be, anyway.”
That was my point. I’m just not sure they’ll even have to go offshore. But if so, no matter.
So then it’s not really single payer. So the middle class is left to pay for and be served by a government-controlled healthcare system (let’s call it Obamacare), and wait in line, figuratively and literally, with the poor and illegals, to get second-rate, rationed care, while the ruling class jets off to the best doctors and hospitals.
No thanks.
This thing has to be stopped before any bill at all passes. Once something is passed, no matter how attenuated, we get the whole totalitarian thing. If a piece of it is passed with the same number on it as one of the proposals in the works, even if only the title is left of it, the rest will be added in bit by bit by the commissars and the courts and little legislative amendments to other bills. The rationing that is inherent in this system can and will, of course, be used politically and will be implemented to favor or to disfavor groups and individuals who are not regarded as helpful to the system as well as individuals not deemed sufficiently productive.
It will be single payer for me and for thee, unless we go offshore. I am investigating certain possibilities in that area for my wife. She is diabetic and afraid to retire from teaching because of this health care bill. If that is what comes down then we calculate that we need to get offshore to a place where her meds will still be available and refrigeration
and reliable electricity, too.