I'm not a fan of Bush any more, but the conduct today is certainly no worse than what was done to Bush.
Not that I have any say or control but ideally it would be nice if these town hall meeting protests produced more good rhetorical soundbites like the one that referenced the failed ‘cash for clunkers program’ and ‘not reading the bills’. Those looked great on FNC.
The general yelling and booing just feeds the Obama spin machine which mainly just works both bases up, which by the way Obama is losing the battle if not already lost. We still have to worry about republicans/RINOS cutting a deal if it looks like republicans will get blamed for failure(Obama strategy.)
The personal references to Stalin and Hitler with Obama are a bit nutty(Hitler and Stalin had death camps), you cant help wonder what those nuts who called Bush Hitler think about it. How about MSNBC trying to call those calling Obama Hitler racists??? Ironic twist!