i agree a tough read,but i really enjoyed the creative solutions to making Mars habitable.
I only own some 500 books now,also mostly sci fi but due to space limitations i can say i’ve given away at least 5 times that number. i still own Pebble in the sky purchased at the P.S. 42 book fair when i was in 3rd grade some 46-7 years ago.
Just for the hell of it,i read close to 100 books a year which is ALOT and considering my age that works out to some 4000 in my life since i was not reading as much or as fast as a youngster. I’m impressed by the size of your library but find it difficult to fathom how you’ll ever have time to read them all.
I doubt I've read anywhere near all of them yet, maybe half and it still grows every time we go to Borders. Wife reads more than I do since she's not working. I also started many years ago so it adds up over time. Also consider that many of them are serials and things that can be read in a few hours. I mean, it's not like I've read with a length like Dan Simmons. Currently working on Robin Hobbs books...each one is 800+ and it takes a while.
My point was that I can read pretty much anything. KSR books seem to me to be a worst of the worst. Asimov(pebble, great!) on the other hand is the exact opposite. As is Heinlein. I've read everything both of those masters have written.