Interesting names and why were these two still walking around freely?
To: dynachrome
What is NOI ? ...muslims?
To: dynachrome
Pat Buchanan has a brother?
Who knew?
To: dynachrome
Murray, 30, was charged with murder and robbery for killing Brinkmann in his fourth-floor apartment. She and a man were later captured on videotape using one of the victim's credit cards, police said. Stupid is as stupid does.
You kill a guy and you use his credit card? Why not just take out an add in the paper? I killed Brinkmann! Signed Murray
7 posted on
08/08/2009 7:09:57 PM PDT by
(Your message here.)
To: dynachrome
let's see.... Jew killed by "two brothers"... let's ask Rahm Emmanuel how he "feels" about that.... It was an "accident" after all. Poor misunderstood brothers getting the shaft from the man... just trying to get what's theirs...
Where's Al and Jesse? This is obvious profiling.. cause it very well could have been two Hasidic thugs strangling a black man who survived the holocaust.
HEY!!!! I got me a Super-dee-duper idea... why not a "beer" summit. Maybe the family members of the old man and Obama-lama-ding-dong and the two misunderstood brothers.. this could be a real "teaching" moment... docha know?
8 posted on
08/08/2009 7:10:20 PM PDT by
(Outside of a dog, a book is man's best companion. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.)
To: dynachrome
Not even Rosa Parks was immune from mugging.
10 posted on
08/08/2009 7:14:17 PM PDT by
(Look to gov't to solve your everday problems and they'll control your everday life.)
To: dynachrome
It’s sad that the jew haters still got him in the end. Especially in America where he should have been safe.
12 posted on
08/08/2009 7:17:34 PM PDT by
(Proud member of "The Angry Mob" Est. April 19, 1775)
To: dynachrome
They should be “accidentally” hung from a lamp post.
13 posted on
08/08/2009 7:18:05 PM PDT by
(Be polite, Be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.)
To: dynachrome
Take them to the top of the Empire State Building. Boost them over the rail and release them. The Law of Gravity is an equal, non racial legal system!
15 posted on
08/08/2009 7:22:14 PM PDT by
Young Werther
(Julius Caesar (Quae Cum Ita Sunt. Since these things are so.))
To: dynachrome
50 PRIOR ARRESTS?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!!!!!!!!! Gee you woulda thought they'd have kept them locked up at least after, oh...the 30th anyway! Unbelievable!
Why do we keep releasing CAREER CRIMINALS out on the streets to prey on innocent people???????
So there have been at least 51 victims that could have been spared just to let ONE lousy creep have "another chance".
19 posted on
08/08/2009 7:24:40 PM PDT by
To: AdmSmith; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; Ernest_at_the_Beach; Fred Nerks; ...
Cutts insisted "he didn't mean to kill Brinkmann, it was an accident,"
Sorry to hear that. The punishment they should receive will *not* be an accident.
20 posted on
08/08/2009 7:25:41 PM PDT by
( Jan 3, 2004__Profile updated Monday, January 12, 2009)
To: dynachrome
A lot of connections between Muslims and Nazis.
21 posted on
08/08/2009 7:25:54 PM PDT by
To: dynachrome
50 priors? Hang them along with a few judges and DA’s
22 posted on
08/08/2009 7:28:55 PM PDT by
(11 September 2001 - Never forget)
To: dynachrome
Aljulah Cutts, 27, was one of two killers inside the upper East Side apartment of Felix Brinkmann when the 90-year-old was asphyxiated during a botched robbery, police sources said.Angela Murray is the other killer.
23 posted on
08/08/2009 7:29:52 PM PDT by
To: dynachrome
Obama is calling for a beer garden affair with the arresting officers.
26 posted on
08/08/2009 7:49:54 PM PDT by
(Quick justice for the senseless killing of Marine Lance Cpl. Robert Crutchfield.)
To: dynachrome
It was NO accident. If the had not been inside someone else’s home where they did not belong and robbing WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson