Wonder who took care of the baby while she was in school?
Classes at the University of Washington don’t start until the last week of September. At least that’s how it was when I was there.
Corsi neglected to mention what the transcript shows -- those courses that began Aug. 19. were "extension or correspondence courses." She didn't physically go to class -- which would make sense if she was caring for an infant.
The transcript shows classes from 8-19 to 12-12 for one class and to 12-11 for the Fall quarter and 12-27 to 3-15 and 3-20 for the Winter quarter classes. The different end dates suggest that the first is the first day of the semester for the quarter, but the second the day that particular class ended. Since the total time span for the Fall quarter is longer you may be correct, they may have started closer to mid September. The extension (probably night ) classes might run on a slightly different timeline than the regular classes, if they started that early they might skip Labor day week, and very likely skip Thanksgiving week too, so that classes meeting on differnent nights would still have the same number of weeks of class.