Yep, I have seen that tag line and thought about the whole “Birther” smear thing for a while. Though the left has only in the last month or so started laughing, this was an issue months before the election. I told my leftie friends about it, but they didn’t listen and voted for him anyway.
The press being so freaking in Obamas pants by then that nothing was going to change their tune, they were gettin some and not about to let their honey hole go.
I told people this was going to become a problem privately 15 months ago when it was apparent that he was gonna be one of the top three DNC candidates. My family didn’t listen. I was astounded that he beat Hillary, and I am still amazed that she lost. SHE knew then he wasn’t eligible and didn’t bash him with it.
To think, the evil witch held her hand. OOPS.
Oh well made her a little more humble in my estimation.
Be that as it may. Hillary is in Kenya now, and likely shmoozin like mad... and what do you want to bet, she goes to visit her boss’s birth place... YA THINK? Nah... /sarc she is just honoring her Kenyan hosts who are so proud.........
Ummmm hummmm...
Can you say... Obama is toast?
The left is more than panicked. They are in dread..... they aren’t sleeping well, and its getting worse. The White House claims that it isn’t following it any more.... Uh hua. Riiiiiight.
What do you want to be some poor punk staffer is watching this thread?
NO bet from me... unless... of course... I get to bet that there IS some poor punk staffer watching this...
Dude... whoever you are... sorry man... bad karma.. bad debt.. what ever the case may be... sorry you pulled the late shift!
LOL! Good post. LOL! Bad karma - well I hope so.
Hillary got punked by ACRON at the caucases. They bused in homey thugs from Chicago. The older ladies supporting hillary would leave the caucus room to go to the bathroom and the thugs would not let them back in the room. Or the thug would just go into the caucus room. Hillary was doom. One of the reasons the stock market started sinking June 2008 when the market knew it was over for Hillary.
You know the Clintons hate him and Bill and Hill have been scheming for months.
When I heard she was going to become Sec of State I thought why. Junior senator from NY behind Schumer is no party but nobody tells her what to do and a staff fawns over her. Plus she can shake down Wall Street and corps in Manhattan.
Sec of State is 5th in line of succession. Obama, Joe, Pelosi, Byrd then Hillary. The trick would be O, Joe and Pelosi go in one feel swoop for fraud. This leaves Byrd who is in bad shape. He then stands aside for Hillary.
Hillary blames GOP “racists” for picking on Obama after Obama pushes through marxism she only dreamed of.
People will say the Dems will stay by O through hell but maybe not. IF they see this going very bad they will blame conservatives then finally throw in the towel.
Orly may have the real deal. She could be Mossad or Russian intelligence. Or Clinton could have gotten it. British intelligence would surely have a copy. The Russians, French, South Africans, Israelis, Muslims, even the Vatican probably got one. The Catholic Church has not been around 1000+ years by being stupid.
I know people who do business with top people in a variety of countries in Africa and they laugh because they know he is a muslim and they know he was born in Africa. It is common knowledge over their and in european intelligence circles.