No, theoly don’t want to starve us, they just want to kill off the small farmers and organic growers, in favor of large conglomerates.
Do you remember during the Clinton administration there was talk of some wild far left environmental idea about a sustainable environment. They were going to herd all the people into cities and return large portions of the country to the indigenous people and animals? Well, Obama’s science czar believes in that. He’s a seventies left over from the ZPG movement. They never really died off, they were just hanging back, biding their time and now they’re BACK.
This bill also includes big pay offs to unions, especially, the teamsters.
Nationalized Banking
Naitonalized Auto Industry
Nationalized Health Care
Cap & Trade
Nationalized Food Production
(Nationalized means confiscated/stolen)
There is only 1 Word describe the people who are doing this:
Traitors, Traitors, Traitors, Traitors.
One who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty
Or One who commits treason.
Then it is Treason.