You might be thinking of Bob Smith, formerly a US Senator from NH who had tried to run in Florida. He tried running for president, left the GOP, rejoined the GOP and moved to FL. Putz.
Kay seems to be out of her mind. Perry at least SEEMS to be talking the talk (from what I can tell 2,000+ miles away).
Looks like choosing the least RINO-ish of the two, which looks to be Perry.
All you need to know is Geraldo endorsed Hutchison. Heard it the last time I watched him, he ranted on Perry like a left wing lunatic, around 4/15 I think about the 10th amendment stuff. Geraldo is freaking clueless.
Gov. Goodhair always talks the talk closer to election time but immediately after goes all leftish again. From the looks of the field, it'll be the same ol' folks plus that idiot Lance. I guess Perry will get my vote again if only to stop Lance.