So I went to the original article, read it, and tried to source the references. The top website - internationalforecaster, is down - doesn’t say what the author claims it said, and benjamin fulfords site is unsubstantiated clap trap. He is probably a closet democrat trying to make us conservatives look like idiots when we tell everyone the banks are closing in two months.
I mean, c’mon - Korea and Iran are controlled by the British world order? How thick does your tinfoil need to be to write for the antimullah?
Yeah it may all be back sourced conspiracy with propaganda mixed in. But crap is going to hit the fan that is just common sense.The AP (MSM) can’t even report the truth on POTUS policy. They are trying so hard to play catch-up now on 0bama and who he truly is. So I am not looking for an AP or market watch announcement on another housing bubble bursting the same time an old one gets uncovered for what it is.
FDIC is as broke as soc. security. The government has to back it or there will be utter choas.Do you think they will back FDIC? 0bama wants global utopia, deny this and then there is a discussion of what kind of future...more of the crap we are in now. Common sense prevails, crap is going to hit the fan. It would now be helpful to now not discuss a denial of this but ways to survive reasonably unscathed as it is also obvious that the current government has no checks or balances and want complete power in their corruption.
You sound like an Iranian with the “British World” comment. Britain is the Iranian mentality’s bogeyman, responsible for all their ills and those of the whole world.
AntiMullah gets thousands of visits a day from some 70 countries. Re-adjust your sights.