To: Wonder Warthog
Synopsizing it with a sentence on what the hell it’s actually talking about would probably save a lot of headaches. As it is, it just looks like someone tore a couple pages out of a high energy physics journal and posted them...
3 posted on
07/27/2009 6:52:56 AM PDT by
(Government blows, and that which governs least, blows least...)
To: Axenolith
This refers to a new way to do nuclear fusion that promises to be much more usable than magnetic confinement. The Navy has been playing things pretty close to the vest, but this PUBLIC "Request for Proposal" reveals some key details, especially the section about testing P-B11 (proton, boron-11) fusion, which produces MANY, MANY fewer neutrons, and allows a much more efficient means of extracting energy from the fusion reactor.
Yeah, only science geeks are likely to understand this at first "pop", but the links in comments can get a generally intelligent reader "up to speed".
4 posted on
07/27/2009 6:59:19 AM PDT by
Wonder Warthog
( The Hog of Steel)
To: Axenolith
It is actually quite rude too. It is like speaking Spanish in a group of English speakers when you can also speak English. That’s always been a pet peeve of mine.
5 posted on
07/27/2009 7:00:02 AM PDT by
(True Christians will not deliberately slander or misrepresent others or their beliefs)
To: Axenolith
I understood everything here without even looking at it ....
keep in mind that at 100 milliwatts for a follow on reactor they are starting to get into the power range. If they can get that kind of power with .3 m dia. coils and .8 T fields, then a reactor with 3 m coils and 10 T fields should produce about 2.5 Mega Watts if the scaling laws hold.
11 posted on
07/27/2009 7:10:57 AM PDT by
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