Yes, I am familiar with that history.
I do not argue with conspiracy theorist, however. I hope you will really like the country if and when the Fed is dismantled.
Grow up. The Fed/IRS system, established in 1913, is not beyond reproach. This country is long overdue for a national debate on monetary policy.
We have experienced 95 years of increasing, never-repaid debt and spiraling tax-funded interest. Within the Fed/IRS system, paying down the debt with taxed Fed-money is not feasible for any elected government because it would result in long-term money contraction and deep depression.
Concerns over the Ponzi-like nature of the Fed/IRS system go beyond liberal/conservative divide. If you are bothered that "ignorant" people are finally listening to Ron Paul's cry in the wilderness, why not offer your own enlightened plan to facilitate liquidity without requiring massive debt. Recognize legitimate concerns about the Fed and present your case with an attitude of humility.
I would like to see a 21st-century implementation of the highly successful Colonial Script system whose suppression led to the American Revolution.
If you really want to believe that the Fed is honorable and not seeking power, then I cannot help you. They are as power hungry as our government that pretends they are not. How else do you explain all the run away spending. I have even liberal friends that can't figure it out.
Right now they want to destroy the US Dollar (with all the spending) along with our Borders, language and our culture. They want a single currency and the UN to rule the world.You do understand that at the current level of spending. It will be impossible to sustain. Why else do you think China and other foreign buyers no longer want to give us loans? What do you have to officially hear it from Rush Limbaugh or your local news to believe what is going on around us?
Do you really believe that the government along with the Fed would tell people this in the open if they really wanted it, or would they make slow moves to change it.
This is by far the best article that puts together what happened with the economy from a source I normally do not view. The source is Rolling Stone Magazine. It is 5 pages that include a different video on each page that you should look at too. All I have to say is that this guy really did his home work. Please read and watch it. Then get back to me. If you truly are objective, then you will do it.