Why don’t we take out a whole page ad in the NYT and Washington Post to run on 9-12 the day of the tea party asking for Obama to produce his Birth Certificate!.
Let’s tke this to the Liberal Media on 9-12. I will give my share.
Now ay talking ..im in ..Let me know ..I’m serious ..We have to employ the same tactics the left used successfully against them. Civil disorder is called for .
They probably won't run the ads. Several large outdoor billboard companies have refused.
>>”Why dont we take out a whole page ad in the NYT and Washington Post to run on 9-12....”<<
Good idea, ncfool. I’ll donate what I can.
Hey Jim, maybe a special Freepathon for the funds for this excellent idea?
The “O” has got to go!
That has already been TRIED. They WILL NOT permit such ads to be published, no matter WHAT you pay.