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To: Non-Sequitur
Go away you doofus!

You are nothing but a pest on these threads — deny, deny, deny — never adding anything to the discussion but your continuing defense of the usurper.

There are 3 Supreme Court decisions on that page that describe “natural born” status.

You can live in denial all you want as you defend your Obamamessiah, but the sonofabitch ain't a “natural born” citizen, and you can troll these threads for the next 3.5 years and you can't change that.

Here's Patrick Leahy commenting, repeatedly, that "natural born" status requires TWO US citizen parents.

It takes TWO

You and your cause are losers.

181 posted on 07/21/2009 4:29:02 AM PDT by Beckwith (A "natural born citizen" -- two American citizen parents and born in the USA.)
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To: Beckwith
There are 3 Supreme Court decisions on that page that describe “natural born” status.

Then of course you can quote the relevant passages from all of them that do that?

You can live in denial all you want as you defend your Obamamessiah, but the sonofabitch ain't a “natural born” citizen, and you can troll these threads for the next 3.5 years and you can't change that.

You can call me all the names you want, but when your arguements are made up of BS, nonsense, and out-and-out lies then I'd be careful who you're calling doofus.

Here's Patrick Leahy commenting, repeatedly, that "natural born" status requires TWO US citizen parents.

So you're turning into a Leahybot now? Anything Pat says is carved in stone, came straight from the burning bush? What a good little Democrat you are.

185 posted on 07/21/2009 5:32:44 AM PDT by Non-Sequitur
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