Well he’s not going to and nothing would please me more than for the Supreme Court or any federal judge to call him on this.
Let’s just accept the fact that he was elected to a four year term and that if we really do want political change in this country, we’re going to have to work hard for it. Nothing will be handed to us. Change begins by re-taking the Congress next year. This is the simple reality of the situation. It is wishful thinking to think the courts are going to take care of BHO. We have to take back this country ourselves and through hard work. There is no easy or lazy way out of this.
Conservatives are completely capable of multi-tasking.
Also...To ignore this birth certificate issue is to miss out on a **wonderful** Saul Alinsky opportunity.
1) Freeze the issue: Wow! With just two words, “birth certificate”, full attention is directed at Obama’s past and his right to occupy the White House.
2) Delegitimize: The birth certificate casts a pall over everything he says, does, and ( most important) **signs**.
3) Personalize: Only **Obama** can produce his birth certificate. This is not as global as his entire party.
4) Ridicule: Obama’s natural born status is now a **joke**. Rush's line about “God and Obama” was great. Even Dems like Biden and Gibbs are laughing about it.
5) Have fun doing what you like: The e-bay sale was terrific! I am still laughing about that one. Farrah is enjoying himself with billboards. Berg and Taitz are getting **tons** of free publicity for their law practices, and for them, Obama’s birth certificate is likely a hobby.
Would you say the same if some cannidate were elected and it were proven that she was only 33 years old? The requirement to be 35 or older comes from the very same sentence in the Constitution as the Natural Born Citizen requirement. Or for that matter if he were not a citizen at all, which is a distinct possibility. (Even Senators must be citizens).