Yes, but a car doesn’t fall at the speed it was traveling, it falls at a speed of 32 ft per second/per second. The 40 MPH quits as soon as the wheels leave the ground and gravity takes over! However, all things considered you are probably pretty close to the mark, and in the long run it doesn’t really matter.
I’m a publik skool grajuate and suck at math but hey I tried.
If you were a liberal, NEA union teacher I would still pass with an A.
So if I stand on the top of the canyon and shoot a pistol at the bottom, the bullet will only travel 32ft/sec? Just askin, I’m math challenged. I couldn’t add two and two and get 150 billion for a bailout.
“The 40 MPH quits as soon as the wheels leave the ground and gravity takes over! “
Not exactly, forward speed will affect the trajectory, but not how quickly he hits the bottom of the canyon. So if his forward speed is sufficient, and the other side low enough he could make it to the other side.
That was the basis for Eviel Kneivel’s stunt, but he may have added elevation (a ramp) to his formula.