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To: Jim Robinson
Here are some comments from some Democratic Underground members. I have lots more but here are some to start with. Seems they tend to agree with you:


Despite the groundswell of support for Obama from small donors, corporate and special interest money is what carried him to inauguration day. AND HE KNOWS IT!

In a time when "liberal" is used to describe entrenched bureaucrats and "conservative" is laid on two-faced, lying, bigots, traitors and double-speakers, Obama plans to appoint a "moderate" to the US Supreme Court. That's not the sort of change he promised. I'd say it was time to appoint a flaming socialist just to bring the court back to pre-9/11 standards.

Is the SOB owned by the corporation or what? Or if he was set up to fail, that plan seems to be humming along nicely.

The truth is that Democrats have a pseudo-majority in Congress. Plus, it is a big, big, big mistake that so many make in writing off the Republican Party. Not only are Republicans not dead, in Congress they have the ability to stand together and support their own agenda and point of view. Republicans seem more pragmatic than Democrats inasmuch as they have the ability to pull together for a common party good and not have every faction of their party take an all or nothing attitude toward their own important ideas or issues. Here at DU we tend to mock and denigrate all things Republican, but even though we disagree with them their issues and ideas are as important to them as ours are to us. I think we diminish our own credibility when we always paint them as the evil boogeyman who stands in the way of all things dear to us.

“I expected better.”

“Daily, my disappointment grows. I think I hit a wall the other day when Obama announced his "indefinite detention" program, and my heart broke”.

We don't have any Democrats anymore - save for Russ Feingold, and a few brave others, Kucinich among them. We have cowards, you're absolutely right.

If the Watergate crimes took place today, they wouldn't even be investigated. That's how bad these weasels are ..........................

It's past time to have general strikes and take to the streets!

yes, Obama will be a one termer. By the time 2012 rolls around, the media and pol blather will not be able to hide just how ON IT'S KNEES this country is.And the people are going to be ANGRY. They do not have the attention span to assign blame where it belongs, on the Bush administration, for getting us into pointless wars and hobbling the economy with their absurd notions of how businesses operate. On the other hand, Obama will have failed with the economy because he sided with the bankers over Americans, so he'll deserve his fate. No, the electorate will roll the dice and throw the bum out.But, it doesn't really matter, because as things are right now there is little any government can do. Thing ARE that bad, and the Dem party has shown quite clearly that while it might not create messes as fast as the Reps, they are just as incapable of cleaning them up. You are on your own, get used to it.

“I wonder if the democrats realize they won an election in November, 2008. Seems to me, they still think the rethuglicans are in charge and are scared shitless to challenge them. I'm so terribly disappointed in Obama and this "democratically controlled" congress, I'm seriously considering never voting again - cause it appears it don't make one god-dam bit of difference who gets elected.”

Worse, they know that they are the only game in town. It is the (D) or the (R). No other choice. Both are owned by corporations.

Has anyone considered getting rid of the Fed... and let America print its own money? oops.. I just remembered... wasn't it John F. Kennedy who advocated that the United States control its own currency? (He ended up with his brains blown out on the streets of Dallas)

memo to past and present Chavez cheerleaders; I told you so! "Chavez can do no wrong, he hates George Bush so he is golden, he is not a dictator, I want to name my baby after him".........

If I had the power to seize your assets, I would, without any moral concerns, and so should Hugo continue his crusade.

Why does the Obama admin continue to shovel money to Wall Street, while turning the screws on us? Because he already got your vote, peasant.

Maybe Dean would consider running again? I believe that most of the country is further left than Obama is right now.

Is the honeymoon over? It seems that way to me. He is turning into a new bill Clinton when we need a New Roosevelt

Obama is not left at all. He is what he is and he will pay the price.

Is he just naive or is he playing their game? I think DK and Dean would be honest and get things back on track but we really can't wait until 2012. This country's been through enough.

WTF? I was livid when congress caved (and I suspect a lot of it was blackmail . . . and greed). Is Obama being blackmailed too? Is he just as corrupt as the rest of them? WTF? Seriously. WTF?

They say absolute power corrupts absolutely . . . I had higher hopes than that for Obama. Where's the "Change," Obama? Oh, that's right Rahm's telling you it's not popular to be principled. How about you rid yourself of that scumbag "Iago" and actually carry out the real change you touted in the election? Otherwise, you DO NOT GET MY VOTE IN 2012.

Obama is obeying the orders of his corporate capitalist masters...and the programming of his Harvard training...

Obama is the bag man for Bush's 750 billion dollar bribe to Wall Street.

Obama will be adopting "indefinite detention"????I'm going to be sick. What the hell happens to detainees who are, in fact, innocent? They will just be locked away for the rest of their lives? This is vile and shameful.

Indefinite detention….If/when Bush had proposed the same thing, we would call him aNazi! There is no way to explain this away.

Why would he declare his repudiation of torture during his campagin, only to "curtly dismiss" any suggestion that those who committed the torture be prosecuted? Why would he advocate universal healthcare only to not even give it a place at the discussion table? Clearly, the fix is in. Kucinich in 2012? Or, simpler, he just lied to us - and as desperate as we were, we fell for it.

The O man knows what he is doing (response) What does it feel like to be so slavishly delusional? I have no frame of reference for your baffling support of criminality like indefinite detention without charge.Electing a centrist corporatist president, and expecting him to be a leftie. At least I get to say "I told you so". For what that's worth.

Look, this country has always been f**ked up. Don't know why you think that all of the sudden, it is supposed to become perfect. The Black Guy in charge aint the magic negro after all.

Obama should take over the plants and workers -- start building electric cars . . we can subsidize both ends of this -- manufacture and purchase --Let's go -- Break the alliance between the car manufacturer and the oil industry

I think we could have built everyone a brand new car for all this money by nowEnough with these f**king bailouts. Tax payer money should not be used to bailout businesses.

He's writing his own f**king constitution.

What's next? Thoughtcrimes?

. You read my mind. (But don't tell anyone, please. It might be illegal someday.) Hm...if only Obama had a constitutional law professor to ask about this

looks like I won't be moving back the US anytime soon wouldn't want to be locked up for any of my thought crimes.

Executive branch continues to grap power. legislative branch keeps running from it As long as the executive branch says your guilty, who cares what a jury thinks? (sarcasm) Obama used to support civil liberties when he was a State Senator.Now that his power vs. our power is the civil liberties question, he's chosen his power.

I cannot support this. Everyone is entitled to a swift and public trial. Everyone is entitled to confront the witnesses against him or her. If Obama does this he is guilty, personally guilty of violating our Constitutional rights -- my Constitutional rights.

Good Lord, I hope this is some sort of distortion. If not, WHO the hell did we elect??

Oh Well - At Least We Got 100 Good Days Out Of Him...

Which 100 days were those again?

I thought "restoring habeas corpus" was a "top priority"! remember THAT bullshit? only 100 days to be totally corrupted. did he have no real principles to begin with?we've been conned by a smooth-talking "CONstitutional scholar"

who is now actually considering jailing people for whatever reason he makes up--people who "can't be tried"--because, obviously, they can't be charged with anything--but having them in jail somehow benefits him and his quickly escalating unconstitutional powers. One day, you or I might be deemed people "who can't be tried."I seriously regret the hard-earned campaign dollars I contributed and the vote I wasted on this con artist.

Actually you're post is bullshit

Your blind support for Obama is

The universally accepted term for preventive detention is "gulag."

I wonder if he didn't understand what he was getting into with this job. I think he gets it now. What he is doing doesn't seem at all consistent with what he talked about doing before he was elected.

"it isn't the Fed's job to "Save" a state" But it's its job to save foreign banks?

god forbid they go after corporations that OUTSOURCE JOBS which in turn bankrupts state budgets when no one has jobs here.God forbid they do, they just send our tax money to the goddamned corporations so they can invest in overseas jobs.Geithner can kiss my ass.

Just another example of a pathetic, spineless politician. Obama, What does he stand for? Anything? Does he have any principles? Any guts? He should be called "cave in obama" because that is all he does. I supported and voted for Obama.

Obama is proving to be a STAUNCH believer in max Executive Branch powers This is NOT a good thing. Our checks and balances work if, and only if, the relative powers of the three branches are nearly equal. It turns out that our Constitutional scholar president falls way out on the fringes of how much power the Executive Branch should have and excercise. In effect such thinking is the foundation of the theory that the very best government is by benevolent dictatorship. I am not blowing smoke on this, there is a long history of discussion on this, and how to implement such a thing under a democratic republic.

Bush grabed the powers, Now Pres. Obama will KEEP & USE them. Boy, you're not kidding. Obama's lost my vote for 2012

Damn it all to hell. I give up. This is no longer my Nation. Geithner speaks for Obama. G*dd**n it all and fu** it all. I GIVE UP! I worked my ass off to help get these clowns elected. What did I accomplish? NOT A G*D D*MN THING! Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.Just more articulate. Hope, my f**king ass. The only "hope" is that I "hope" this economy goes REALLY into the shitter. MAYBE then the People will wake up. But probably not. The American people are so G*d Da**ed STUPID, they'll NEVER figure it out. F**k you, stupid American electorate. I include myself. I voted for this jerk. My interest in politics is now terminated.

I'm already there--"change" was a clever campaign slogan for the rubes conned again and not planning to vote for him again.

As each chink in the armour is chipping away, I WONDER what we voted for. I wasn't a Hillary supporter or Obama supporter from the get go, but did actually get out and work HARD for Obama because I couldn't imagine Palin or for that matter McCain either. Still, you can BLAME Geithner, but WHO DOES HE WORK FOR? Where is the policy being set?? Maybe instead of "reasoning" WHY something is being done, or making excuses for this or that... it's time to really say we're fed up!

Chump change we can believe in. No cap on bailouts and no cap on executive pay. But, credit card fees and interest rates? No cap there either. No relief in bankruptcy from onerous mortgages, either. No single payer health care, either. No repeal of DADT or DOMA on the horizon, either.Maybe there is more than one party of No.

The list of things where Obama hasn't flipped, and where he's maintained traditional Democratic values, is small indeed.Such a shame. There was so much hope.

Obviously, the Rahm Emmanuel filter to rid the Dems of liberals/progressives is still working?

Maybe Plosi (and Reid) should just step down Wouldn't be that big of a loss. They were a rubber stamp for the Bush administration. Now that Obama's in office, they finally find their spines.I'm through with both of them.

They really are trying very hard to get the people to rise up with pitchforks and torches. Economic devastation plagues this country, and BOTH parties offer nothing but a nod to the banks? I have said this many times and will say it again...the reason power returns back to Republican hands regularly is because the Democrats are feckless and cowardly. They rarely do anything at all for anyone but the same entrenched interests the Republicans love so much. People lose heart and do not vote, and then the next Republican asshole takes office. We've been in this repeating cycle for my entire life.Vote the godd**ned DLC as*holes out and replace them with Democratic populists whom conservative districts will vote for. If that is not allowed to happen, then pitchforks and torches are all that is left. People are f**king starving these days!

we need a socialist party siphoning votes from the Dems. There is not a day that goes by that they don't display to the world, how corrupt, and corruptible our government truly is. Their votes are for sale. Period. American-style democracy". Who in their right mind would want it? The goal should be honest and representative government. Ours is not that.

Very few of the assholes in either party give a f**k about us. Very, very few. It's disgusting. The Dems will use a little social lube and give you a small tax reach-around, the Pukes will just flat out rape you. But either way you're still getting f**ked.

Another broken promise. He's not getting my vote next time.Chances are, no one will. I'm done enabling those who lie to me.

I fell for the "constitutional scholar" con.

"community organizer" worked on me, too. now I know he meant the "elite community of corporate war mongers and fraudsters."

I hope I'm wrong about this, but hope is waning because of Obama's erratic behavior.

After all the corporate welfare he has the gall to say we cannot afford single payer health care. He better get it done or he'll be a one term wonder. <

One term wonder. You got that right. This is not CHANGE. It may have to become "truly dire" and "full depression status" before the complacent American Populace wakes up and says NO MORE. I, for one will NOT vote for another CENTRIST, TRIANGULATING, THIRD WAY democrat ever again. My next vote for the Presidency will NOT be wasted on Dennis Kucinich. It's going to have to become "really evil and dire" before The People FORCE the Congress to stop putting CORPORATE interest first.

If they raise taxes on the middle class by taxing their employer based health care. You will have a Republican Senate, House, and Presidency in January of 2013.Baucus and Rangel are too busy worried about their campaign contributors than their constituents.

Just for fun, who do you think brainwashed this Constitutional Law scholar?

Tricky business we all need to be mindful of. Obama says some great things, but he is still on a learning curve and unfortunately has demons as well as angels on his shoulders whispering in his ears. In order to get him to resist the demons we have to drown them out with our own shouts and marches and noise and protests.

"Make me do what is right" is starting to wear thin as an excuse


It well may be, he talks beautifully out of both sides of his mouth and doesn't even seem to notice.

I’m shocked that Obama is so much worse than I expected, so much worse than ever thought Clinton could be.

Obama only *seems* to be better than Bush. Bush said what he was going to do out loud and didn't care. Obama wants to do the same, but he dresses it up nicely. I think that's why he spoke so warm about Ronald Reagan: like Reagan, Obama is a 'Feel-Good President' who knows he can get away with anything as long as he looks charming while doing it.

We've been had More and more Obama appears to be an impostor.

Sadly, I'm beginning to get disgustedI think he'll be a one-termer if he keeps this up.

again today he said "we are a nation of laws"--like he thinks he can fool us with that now

sorry, I fell for that before the election. once conned, twice shy and all that. good luck in 2012, I WON'T be voting for you, and I know many, many others who won't either. if a republican wins because we either didn't vote, or voted Green or some other 3rd party--well, you should have fed your base instead of those warmongering corporate assholes you've surrounded yourself with.

I'm losing patience. He hasn't done much at all other than allow everyone to project their own hopes on him.

Geithner was the head of the New York Fed when all the worst of this was going on. He was at ground zero, an essential player in the machinations that have stolen so much of our wealth and handed it to those who deserve nothing. And now he is running the Treasury. Thought a Democrat in office would save us? Keep hoping to be left some spare change when all is said and done.

If the democratic government raises taxes on the middle class'm honestly done with every single person who votes for the bill and I'm done with the President if he signs it. I have better things to do with my time than to help these as*holes.

I'm tired of being treated like a nig*er by the media.

104 posted on 07/14/2009 11:47:42 AM PDT by mojitojoe (All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.)
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To: mojitojoe
*whistles to herself*

Too bad the DUmmies and Kos Kids didn't figure out that 0 would be nobody's messiah before the election.

That quite a foul-mouthed bunch, BTW. And coming from someone who just called a troll a douchetard, that's saying something!

137 posted on 07/14/2009 5:45:11 PM PDT by TXBlair (With any luck at all, I'll be dead by then.)
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To: mojitojoe

Fantastic compilation! Is seems that if the GOP ever cracks up and splits, the unwieldy Jackass coalition will follow suit and break up soon thereafter. Perhaps a few small parties are better for our representative republic (what’s left of it) than the two-party system.

140 posted on 07/14/2009 6:35:30 PM PDT by rfp1234
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To: mojitojoe

I am amazed, apparently all liberals don’t watch just MSNBC, they are catching on!

Good for them, there may be hope yet for our republic.
Kool-aid sales are going down too i guess.

Thank you for this post, it was desperately needed for my spirit.

163 posted on 07/15/2009 9:27:37 AM PDT by Munz ("We're all here for you OK? It's a circle of love" Rham Emanuel)
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