Executives, The Vancouver Sun, The Province and Pacific Newspaper Group Inc.
President and Publisher Kevin D. Bent |
Phone: 604-605-2480 Fax: 604-605-2633 |
kbent@png.canwest.com |
VP Digital Media, Pacific Region Hunter Madsen |
Phone: 604-605-2187 Fax: 604-605-2633 |
hmadsen@png.canwest.com |
Vice President Advertising Sales Brandon Grosvenor |
Phone: 604-605-2452 Fax: 604-605-2499 |
bgrosvenor@png.canwest.com |
Vice-President, Finance Hitesh Kothary |
Phone: 604-605-2711 Fax: 604-605-2308 |
hkothary@png.canwest.com |
Editor-in-chief, The Vancouver Sun Patricia Graham |
(Phone: 604-605-2319 Fax: 604-605-2323 |
pgraham@png.canwest.com |
Editor-in-chief, The Province Wayne Moriarty |
Phone: 604-605-2007 Fax: 604-605-2378 |
wmoriarty@png.canwest.com |
VP Reader Services Jason Ludwig |
Phone: 604-605-2611 Fax: 604-605-2200 |
jludwig@png.canwest.com |
VP Promotions and Community Investment Jamie Pitblado |
Phone: 604-605-2316 Fax: 604-605-2342 |
jpitblado@png.canwest.com |
I wonder if this guys “bosses” are just as bad? They might just sit around with him smoking pot, snorting coke.....
Here are some of Chriss Parry’s attacks on Republicans.
FREEPER CALL TO ACTION #2 Regarding Racist Daily Kos Blogger Chris Parry
That’s it?
Allow me to state, without any hesitation, that those remarks, made anonymously on the internet many years ago, before I was anywhere near the newspaper industry, were inappropriate and distasteful.
After a decade and a half online, I’m not surprised I had the occasional moment of silliness left behind me. It happens.
You live, you learn. Moving on.
Oh, by the way, The Province is an entirely separate newspaper. Contacting them about this won’t do much to help your cause. Nor will contacting advertising, sales, finance, reader services or community investment.
Publisher and editor-in-chief are your go-to guys, if you must.
Done. And thanks for your good work.
I have little doubt that this was meant to be the beginning of a major propaganda campaign against FR, which would have spread across the major media and demonized FR in a way difficult to cope with, if you and Kristen and a few others had not caught it in time.
It would have had the double purpose of demonizing FR and weakening its good work against the Obama regime, and at the same time making Chris Parry famous. Needless to say, both would have been extremely gratifying to him.
After reading this thread, it sounds like Parry needs to write a searing indictment piece about himself and add it to his tale about FR.
He thinks a meager apology for the filth he penned is good enough. Just like a lefty.
The Gawker.com crowd is also on their high horse regarding the quality of the posters here at FR. Does a double standard get any more risible? How many cheap, nasty shots have the gang over at Gawker taken at the Bush and Palin families, Condi Rice, Clarence Thomas, et al. over the years? Thousands, no doubt.
This is the thing I was talking about.
If Laura Bush was on fire in front of me...Ill admit, I would use a fire extinguisher. To crush her Femmebot-like head like a coconut, then Id run around the block, giggling and yelling and firing off the extinguisher like a drunken fratboy at a South Beach Motel 6
FREEPER CALL TO ACTION #2 Regarding Racist Daily Kos Blogger Chris Parry
Monday, July 13, 2009 08:53:09 · 34 of 148
ChrisParry to hasaki
Haskai asked:
In what world is saying you wanna bash in the head of the former first lady considered silliness
Agreed. Its more stupidity. Im man enough to put my hand up and say as much.
Theres been a lot of spurious stuff leveled at me in this little adventure, but that one caused me to sit up in my seat and say to myself, I posted that?
I dont remember doing it, but I clearly did. Im no Laura Bush fan but that was way out of line. Nobody deserves that sort of stuff tossed their way, even in anonymous internetville.
1532 Threats Against Former Presidents, and Certain Other Secret Service Protectees
Section 879 of Title 18 prohibits knowing and willful threats to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm against the following categories of persons who are protected by the United States Secret Service:
A. Members of the immediate family of the President;
B. Members of the immediate family of the Vice President;
C. Former Presidents;
D. Members of the immediate family of a former President;
E. Major candidates for the Office of President and Vice President;
F. Spouses of major candidates for the Office of President and Vice President within 120 days of the general Presidential election; and
G. Immediate families of the President-elect and Vice President-elect.
He’s taken the mask off “objective”... wonder if he was working alone?
See I told ya.