“watch Dems pick more seats and win more elections”
What, so are you saying that we should just nominate any one with a “Republican” label, as long as they have a “chance of winning”???? Such as RINO Charlie Crist in Florida??? NO WAY, going with Marco Rubio on that one.
You CAN’T listen to what the liberals say about Gov. Palin! They are ALL a bunch of lying, poisonous snakes! SARAH is the ONLY ONE who can beat Obama! It is a FACT!
And she delivers RESULTS! Who else can bring in 20,000-30,000 people at short notice?????
What an interesting thread. I had thought it would be a while before the ‘we suck less so vote for us’ crowd came out from under their respective rocks.
“And she delivers RESULTS! Who else can bring in 20,000-30,000 people at short notice?????”
That’s the type of thing the Palin haters, MittBots, and other assorted pseudo-conservatives ignore. Here are some others: Palin picked up 30,000 Twitter followers right after she resigned. Gov. Perry (TX) has already announced that Gov. Palin will be campaigning for him. Palin has a $4,000,000 advance on the table for a book deal. Shepard Smith had a piece on Fox yesterday about how Palin could easily pull $20,000,000 next year (can you say WAR CHEST!) Palin is already lining up a speaking tour with the focus on what Beck calls “The Real America” (very good way to build lasting and pervasive grass roots support, key to volunteer staffing for a national campaign).
Gee, sure looks like she made a HORRIBLE mistake, huh?
The size and enthusiasm of the crowd at the Reagan Library on August 8 will send a message; one way or another. I believe people that can't get tickets will show up on the grounds regardless...