00000000000000000000000000000000000 John Batchelor: "As a candidate, (Gov. Palin) begins the nomination hunt with a formula that none of her rivals can match, not even (backstabber RINO) Mitt Romney, not only because she gave up something in order to go for the White House but also because she reached this decision by being drafted. ... "In fact, the governor does not need much more than a ballot line from the aimless, tongue-tied, villain-rich GOP. She certainly does not need the GOP to do well in the congressional mid-terms in 2010; she does not need the party to improve its flabby polling on health care or trust; she does not even need the Republican Party to raise a voice to explain her positions on the burning controversies on Capitol Hill. Palin does not need to prove anything at all about wise government, because she appeals directly to the anti-authoritarian crowd that has been with us since Shays Rebellion in 1787."
"Top 20 Recipients of AIG Contributions in 2008"
Who is John Batchelor? Isn’t he a talk show host? and what is his party affiliation?