“History Class”
Does that still exist? I’m confused, what is this History you speak of?
More like complicit, convenient failure to educate against the mistakes of the past in an effort to secure power for the future.
The Constitution is not the primary source of freedom, wealth or prosperity.
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution properly highlight the source of freedom, wealth and prosperity, Who is the Lord God Almighty, and seek to set the proper constraints on man so that all men may enjoy freedom, wealth and prosperity.
If God is the Lord of all men, and if His truth applies to all men, then it would seem that at some point all men could be organized to work toward his furthering His will.
It is laughable to claim that in an era when the world is linked by internet so intimately and by so many other international ties that seeking some orderliness in such a structure would be better than the chaos that now exists.
Certainly Benedict has highlighted as necessary to any such institution all the qualities that the UN lacks.
Of course, it is more fun - and much easier - to simply throw irrlevant canards at a caricature than to address what he actually has written.
“... We are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights . . . “
The Constitution then lays out a government based on the moral tenants of the Bible.