Yeah, she's good at taking vague positions policy that are hard for anyone to disagree with, I'll give her that.
Seriously, is there a single politician who says he's for bigger government? Is there anyone who says he's against small business? Or for nationalized healthcare?
Sorry, but a few vague statements nearly everyone agrees with doesn't a cosnervative make.
A conservative fit for the presidency proposes specific policies that are based on conservative principles and then argues for them in a persuasive manner. I have yet to see Palin do that.
But who knows? Maybe she start doing that in a couple years. If she does, she'll earn my support.
She has a very strong stance against corruption in both business and government, and her record on this is further strengthened by going after corruption in both parties.
She deserves credit for that, I agree. It doesn't make her much of a conservative, however. Curruption is not a conservative or liberal issue.