And though she does not support amnesty, there is nothing about Amnesty that is unconstitutional. The Federal Government is the sole authority that can regulate immigration and they can establish what ever immigration regime they wish from open borders to a Tokugawa-esque isolationism and all that is in between, including granting amnesty.
“Should she have refused the call to serve her country because it may not have been politically sound for her?”
She was / is already serving her country as Governor of Alaska. She was under no obligation to accept McCain’s offer. He made it as a compromise in the first place, thinking he’d gain the womens’ vote, thinking he’d lock up the Christian and Catholic votes automatically. Both of them were compromisers, he by offering it to her, she by accepting. Then she proceeded to transform herself into McCain’s puppet. She even began to sound like him! The bloom was coming off the rose already for some of us thinking conservatives.