You said — Nope. It eliminates this source as credible. Has no bearing on the issue of the BC.
Well, if you’ve been reading my posts, you’ll see that I’ve said that. I’ve said that WorldNetDaily is the *best place* one could ever hope for something like this going to.
And WorldNetDaily has been the *one news source* that has been all over this issue from the beginning. I support WorldNetDaily and I would hope that everyone else does, too...
I try to keep an open mind about most issues which means I will not discount issues such as the BC (or “dissertation”) being auctioned on EBay.
If (I stress ‘IF’) the name in the copy of the picture auction is correct, the quick research I have done leads me to believe it is a hoax designed to yank our chains. I am not as inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt that I gave it yesterday.
Another random thought based on nothing but my own imagination: In addition to Rent-a-Mob can ACORN Rent-an-EBay-hoax?