None of those.
I’m not blind either.
All those little boys he befriended, why did he ‘dump’ them as ‘friends’ when they hit puberty?
Go ahead, worship your kiddie-lovin’ pop star. In my view you’re nothing more than an enabler, an accomplice, by publicly supporting this child rapist.
The millions of victims of such crimes will get the message that what was done to them is A-OK, if you can sing and dance and put on a great show.
Just like 0bama, and all tyrants, convince them you are godlike and you’re free to rape them, even their children.
In the real world we try our best to use facts and evidence to reach conclusions. You choose loose rhetoric and supposition. You accuse and make assertions without substance. You assume. That is no way to stumble through life. I do hope that some day you grow up and become an adult and stop “thinking” and “acting” like a Liberal. Had you lived in the 1800’s, I’d wager vigilante lynchings would have suited you just fine.