“I don’t know what happened and neither do you.”
I don’t need to see the video, or the photos. What grown man behaves like he did around kids that ISN’T a pedophile?
What, he has a kid’s voice, a gentle disposition, he can sing, he can dance, AND I’M SUPPOSED TO TURN A BLIND EYE TO THE WAY THIS GROWN MAN BEHAVES AROUND LITTLE KIDS?
All I can say is there ought to be licensing for having children. You need one to drive a car but any ignorant fool can pop out a human and ruin its life.
If what I see on THIS FORUM, FR, of all places, is how folks respond to child abuse, God help our children.
“I hope nothing did happen and frankly can’t see him as a sexual predator based on what’s known about his personality.”
You “..can’t SEE him as a sexual predator”????
How many people do you think SEEM like child rapists?
Do you think you could spot one walking down the street?
How about one with an amusement park for kids, as a home, sleeps with strangers’ kids, hangs with them incessantly, and on, and on...
Are you a clinical psychologist or an FBI Special Agent.....or a psychic?
I’m going by cold hard proof. Lisa Marie Presley was married to him and her young son lived with them. She said later that if she thought anything was going on she would have ‘nailed his ass to the wall’. She didn’t suspect anything and still doesn’t.