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To: TaraP

And you cloak yourself in “JESUS” to defend the likes of this creep. You are clueless if you don’t think there are “parents” out there who are as shallow as you and would hand their children over to a big time celebrity like MJ. It’s already happened to these kids - THEIR PARENTS DID IT. But you are denial. There are scummy people out there with kids that will sell them. Abort them. Abuse them. Hand them over to MJ for money and just for the gossip rights with their friends. “My little Jimmy got to spend the week with Michael Jackson at Neverland Ranch! And he paid us $2,000! Isn’t that great!

You are uber-naive if you don’t know the kind of crud for parents that exist.

Just what the heck is wrong with YOU that you would try to defend this guy? That is the real question. People like you are enablers of abusers around the world who get away with mistreatment of children.

Mr. Jackson gave them drinks he called “Jesus Juice”. You need to educate yourself and read the harrowing accounts such as two small boys who testified against Jackson. One of them didn’t want to drink it and was afraid. They were held against their will. People like you want to sweep it all under the rug. You are clueless and don’t know any of the history that’s happened with perv-Jackson.

Oh and you are just as judgmental as anyone else around here but much more insufferably self-righteous. Its people like you why I long ago became an agnostic. You reinforce it nicely.

1,670 posted on 06/26/2009 10:38:15 AM PDT by FTL
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You have condemned Michael Jackson as a pedophile, is he? I don’t know that and neither do you.....

Those 2 boys and thier families dis-appeared with their millions after they extorted the money from him...

Even Larry King overheard the family speaking of an extortion scheme they had been discussing at an eatery he was at where they were....

I am not dismissing that Jackson had some strange views about children, does that make him a JOHN GACY! NO..

He did alot of good for people as well...If you think JESUS CHRIST is sending him to HELL, I have a newsflash for you.

You will be right next to him, as your posts reflect such contempt and condemnation with such disdain for him, you yourself will be judged on those same merits.

1,681 posted on 06/26/2009 10:54:52 AM PDT by TaraP (Unless we stand for something, we will fall for everything.")
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