The child president was elected by childish voters.
No understanding of the consequences on either’s part.
Being “present” is not enough.
Real people with real lives hang in the balance.
The people in North Korea and Iran want freedom. But Obama isn’t down for the struggle.
The takeover of the universities by the radicals of smiley-face fascism worked and the end of the traditional English and other departments by the Marxists paid off politically with the national triumph of identity politics of hatred completely divorced from accomplishment or even the asking of the question of accomplishment.
It is a fascistic socialism without even national pride in America's history and tradition. It is based on a willingness to lie when swearing to defend the Constitution and an unwillingness to stand internationally against the forces of totalitarian repression.
Now they want to stand by while totalitarian excesses are practiced and spend their time seizing power through things such as a government take-over of the health sector while destroying Israel because it refused to acknowledge Islamo-fascism as a neighbor openly firing rockets into its civilian population.
Their bluff is is being called by other leaders of the free world and they respond by making clear their unwillingness to stand for liberty against tyranny. C-cago is exposed for the corruption that it has long stood for and embodied.