So if North Korea is planning to attack South Korea, and is threatening to do same (I think they even made the nuclear threat), then at some point—like now—wouldn’t South Korea be justified to launch a pre-emptive attack. I mean, why should they wait to get hit.
I believe part of the reason for the spending and the 24x7 printing of money is to destroy the US dollar so that we pay China back pennies on the dollar, ticking them off enough to make their move on the Pacific Rim, their foremost goal.
Wouldn't that be bad for America and our allies in that region? It sure would. It would create not only an international incident begging for a global solution, but the economic fallout, combined with the destroyed US dollar, would make many Americans demand a global governance.
Obama wants to be president of the world, just as FDR did. Yes, there are megalomaniacs who dream that big.