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1 posted on 06/14/2009 4:28:13 PM PDT by The Spirit Of Allegiance
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

California's recent budget crisis seems to be providing an opportunity for some straight talk with the populace.

Can we engage in a dialog about the true cost -- in our education, health care, and social services -- of illegal immigration in the state of California, and what the federal government can and should be doing to reimburse California for these costs in light of federal mandates?

50 posted on 06/14/2009 6:14:07 PM PDT by GVnana
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

I think the GOP should demand a detailed and in-depth audit of the entire state government including all programs. Cut all waste and duplications, find the graft and corruption, and promise to represent the voters in California who are asking for an all around cleaning of the State’s house including stopping all funding of illegals in every way.

59 posted on 06/14/2009 6:34:44 PM PDT by ExTexasRedhead
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
Mr. Nehring, in the 2006 statewide election, most of the resources went into re-electing Arnold Schwarzenegger at the expense of the remainder of the statewide ticket, even after polls showed Schwarzenegger winning and the Democrats giving up on that race to fund the other races. Needed funds could have been used to get Tom McClintock elected as Lt. Governor and have him in good position to win the governorship in 2010.

I still have the "Arnold and Tom Victory '06" sign from the convention that year in San Jose when the Arnold/Tom ticket was promoted as a unit during the convention, but didn't come to fruition when push came to shove in the general election when the funds didn't come McClintock's way that he could have used from the state party.

This is way so many of the grassroots will not contribute to the state party. So the question is how can we ever be confident in the state party after the '06 debacle?

60 posted on 06/14/2009 6:35:46 PM PDT by CounterCounterCulture (RECALL Abel Maldonado; DEPORT Arnold Schwarzenegger)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

Strategically, I think the most important target is “climate change,” “global warming” and “greenhouse gases” which RINO Schwarzenegger not only supports but has pushed beyond even the Fed. There are many papers refuting the science of this theory. The term greenhouse gases should not be used as the atmosphere does not physically resemble a greenhouse. The PHYSICS is different. This argument can be won. In 10 minutes FReepers can deliver to you 1,000 pages of scientific rebuttals to the Al Gore scenario. Once you have revealed the fallacy of the Dem/RINO arguments in one arena, the public is will be more recptive to other arguments.

The presentation must make clear: 1) We’re not talking about pollution we’re talking about carbon dioxide and methane. This is not a return to the pollution of the early 19th Century. 2) We may be running out of oil and seeking alternative energy sources but we have an abundance of gas and coal to generate electricity and need not bankrupt our industry and eocnomy to trap harmless by-products like carbon dioxide and methane. 3) No matter what we do (this is the GOP argument in Congress but is not forceful enough as it does not challenge the theory) it won’t make any difference. 4) If it’s so important — saving the planet — why are we granting China and India a pass?

Prop 187 demonstrated the will of the California citizens regarding the support of illegal immigrants. Is there any way to challenge the Federal government’s denial of that referundum, to require the Fed to repay all money spent on illegal immigrants, to challenge the ruling? The people made it clear that they did not want their tax money to support citizens of another country. How can the Federal government insist that we do? It’s an outrage. We must accept a baby born as a US citizen because the mother sneaked through the border and made it to a hospital. We now pay to educate the child — at extra cost because it doesn’t speak English. Upon graduation it displaces an American in expensive University education because of “diversity” and “fairness.” Meanwhile we support the medical costs of the parents (and by now the aging grandparents) of the illegal immigrant who is now a citizen by virtue of birthplace and can’t evict them because it would “break up a family” who won’t learn English, who cannot read the newspapers, who wave a Mexican flag on May 5th and who vote however their Mexican compatriots tell them.

We’re told that we need the illegal immigrants because American workers won’t take the jobs they do. We don’t know that. As far as agriculture goes because the labor is cheap we have not developed the technology to take their place. As for the other jobs, California has for so long relied upon Mexican citizens to do those jobs that we don’t really know if Americans would take those jobs. And the way it’s going, I believe they will.

A major concern in California is water and agriculture. The environmentalists are calling the shots. It makes for good theatre. Cuddly, talking animals. Nature is pretty resilient. I have heard that there are 300,000 people out of work in the Central Valley because of the shut down of farming. This is of major concern. Food has to be grown. Human beings are as important as a 2-inch fish. We need to be much more forceful in challenging their opinions (not science) and their maudlin commercials about nature. We need to fight them about the water use.

62 posted on 06/14/2009 6:37:03 PM PDT by Bhoy
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance


I won the Primary and did NOT get one once of help or Acknowledgement from the Illinois GOP. They want RINOS ONLY!

64 posted on 06/14/2009 6:37:58 PM PDT by chicagolady (Mexican Elite say: EXPORT Poverty Let the American Taxpayer foot the bill !)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance; Liz; writer33; AT7Saluki; ALOHA RONNIE; RonDog; patriciaruth
Question #1 - Hussein now owns a few car companies. Large banks are under government control. Why do the leftists DESPERATELY want to takeover the entire health care system? It must more than just gaining a few more voters.

Question #2 - Did the leftists blow their wad on taking over the banks and car companies? The country is broke yet they want to spend, at least, another $12 TRILLION that the country doesn't have. Will the socialists succeed in their takeover mission?

68 posted on 06/14/2009 6:45:13 PM PDT by Libloather (Tea Totaler)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

Just before the last election, John and Ken read for a full 30 minutes with one commercial break the titles of California state offices. Of course, some of these are extremely necessary (Fire, Police, etc.) But MANY were humorously redundant (making these up but you get the idea: Office of Minority Hiring, and Department of Hiring of Minorities) and made for sadly hilarious radio. Many were feel-good bureaus that could EASILY be shut down.

Also, WHO KNEW the benefits “poor” people were getting through Medi-Cal??? I was told recently that no longer would adults be getting free dental care. THEY WERE GETTING FREE DENTAL CARE?? And, So kids still do?????? Hellllo, State of Cullifornia, do you realize that your hardworking middle class has to save up to afford our own kids’ dental? Why should nonworking people get this for free? Why should it [bleeping] PAY to be POOR??

70 posted on 06/14/2009 6:46:26 PM PDT by Yaelle
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

Why doesn’t the GOP come out swinging on Global Warming, rather than half-heartedly going along?

Using real data to fight lies and distortions usually works.

Did you know that Earth has been cooling for the past 9 1/2 years, and that it is easy to show that fact?

Do you know how to show that the sea level changes naturally, and can you back it up with irrefutable proof?

I suggest using the Alinsky tactic of ridicule. Ask Dan Quayle if it works.

71 posted on 06/14/2009 6:54:10 PM PDT by DBrow
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

Bump for later

74 posted on 06/14/2009 6:59:58 PM PDT by mnehring
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

Is there anyway to challenge the power of the SEIU and other unions? How can government unions give money to political campaigns? How is that legal? Isn’t that conflict of interest? Not just for California but for many other states this is a critical question. Why should government workers pay, health care, pensions be so out of line with workers in the private sector?
This is not right.

77 posted on 06/14/2009 7:06:09 PM PDT by Bhoy
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
You graciously invited me to your thread. My questions are solely involved in the fundamental principles our republic, our liberty, and FreeRepublic are predicated on.

My comments about elected officials and candidates in response to other posters are solely concerning their lack of adherence to those fundamental premises.

But, my presence is causing the attack dogs of the GOP to foam at the mouth, whine to Jim, and ruin your thread. So, have fun.

But, remember this, they can say whatever they want, but if their nice words only have as their end the election of liberals like Schwarzenegger and McCain, those words amount to little more than the fine wine used to fool the victim into drinking the poison.

79 posted on 06/14/2009 7:16:22 PM PDT by EternalVigilance (No sane man wants war. But, no decent man will avoid it when freedom must be defended.)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

I have some suggestions on a variety of issues. I lived 20 years in CA and I’m a former party official at the county level in CO. I’m also a scientist with a good deal of background in modeling and Earth and Environmental sciences. So the first issue I’d like to talk about is Global Warming.

1. The democrats are vulnerable on this issue. In recent polling, a majority of the public either does not believe CO2 causes global warming or thinks it has been exaggerated.

2. The real world empirical support of the AGW (”Anthropogenic Global Warming”) theory is VERY weak. I’m not going into detail here on that but it is very weak.

3. Government action to fix it will be very expensive.

4. Even if we spend a bunch of money to fix it and even if the AGW models are correct, the most we can do is a tiny change in the predicted increased temperatures.

The problem with all this is that Republicans (from our former president and the current Gov of CA) really have no confidence that they can speak to the issue. So they have tended to agree that AGW is a problem but that we shouldn’t spend too much money. That is a losing political position.

I would strongly suggest seminars and position papers for Republican candidates and office holders to educate them about the very strong scientific case against accepting the AGW theory. In addition, the party needs to devote some money to focus groups to determine HOW to present that evidence to the public and help its members in addressing the subject.

The public is moving in our direction on this issue. Rather than trying to take a squishy middle position on it, we need to educate the public about why the middle position and the left position are wrong and dangerous. Our candidates and office holders are the tip of the spear for that education process.

Reagan won by taking strong stands and moving the public to the conservative position. Gerald Ford lost by splitting the difference.

If you are interested in further information about this, I would be happy to assist. I can be contacted thru FREEP Mail.

82 posted on 06/14/2009 7:28:50 PM PDT by ModelBreaker
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
As a non resident who does a major amount of my business in Cal. I have been forced to be in tune with the raging amount of enviro. regs that CARB has enacted in the last 3 years.

with the economy in taters over there, how in good conscience does the legislature figure the business world to comply and still remain solvent

e.g. as the port of L.A. enacted the CAAP rules they subsidized the replacement of equipment that agreeably DID need to be taken off the road but then the state can't afford to keep corrections and general LEO’s because of budget short falls, yet have hired CARB enforcement officers, while those of us non residents have had to spend tens of thousands of dollars for APU’s to comply with anti idling laws, and motor upgrades as well as the upcoming TRU emission rule enforcement. I know there's a question in here some where, do you really have any idea how mad your local business owners are at these new laws

I have foodservice owners that I deliver to weekly from Roseville, Sac. Stockton, Tracy, San Leandro, S.F., Daily City, San Mateo, San Jose, and on down to Fresno and Visalia they're all scared to death for their financial lives and mad that they are being forced to spend the same kind of dollars as I to be able to continue in what can only be called shaky at best economy.

and none of this even factors that fuel and oil are on another upward race, let alone that the farmers in the SJ valley can't get to the water they need to even grow the products for me to carry!

and on and on and on...


84 posted on 06/14/2009 7:47:23 PM PDT by Pete-R-Bilt (Bacon, the perfect word. no other means food, money and sex!)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
Read the following words aloud and state your opinion as to their relevance, or lack there of, in the year 2009:

...That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

85 posted on 06/14/2009 7:56:23 PM PDT by DTogo (High time to bring back the Sons of Liberty !!)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance

Why do we give in-state tuition to illegal aliens when they can not legally work here?

Why do we give in-state tuition only to Hispanic illegal aliens?

How about paying Mexico to house our Mexican prisoners for the duration of their sentence.

Why are we building out in the desert when we have no water?

Why do we have college professors advocating the overthrow of our country? People like Ron Gochez.

Why are we paying illegal aliens to retire on our dime with Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI)?

86 posted on 06/14/2009 8:19:35 PM PDT by Haddit
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
SOA, thanks for collecting these questions!

Ron, my question is why don't Republican (state party and candidates) publicly say more about the media ("news" and entertainment) activism, attacking GOPers; while actively promoting left wing issues and candidates?

As a party, the GOP should insist (loudly and often) on equitable treatment in:

- - Selection of which stories to present (and which to spike)

- - Balanced treatment of both parties

- - And, for gosh sake, stop the out-and-out promotion of Mr. Obama. They should be embarrassed.


The Dems continually whine and blame the GOP, perhaps it's time we challenged their megaphone, as well as their premises.

Thanks again for contacting the peeps!


87 posted on 06/14/2009 8:32:53 PM PDT by Seaplaner (Never give in. Never give in. Never...except to convictions of honour and good sense. W. Churchill)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
One last thing: You don't need a special thread to have access to AIP's leaders. We make ourselves completely available on a regular basis to answer any and all questions.

You can even ping the party chairman on FR. :-)

88 posted on 06/14/2009 8:34:23 PM PDT by EternalVigilance (No sane man wants war. But, no decent man will avoid it when freedom must be defended.)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance
Not a question, but a VERY STRONG recommendation: CAGOP should emphatically endorse the 2009 report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC).
The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to understand the causes and consequences of climate change. Because it is not a government agency, and because its members are not predisposed to believe climate change is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions, NIPCC is able to offer an independent “second opinion” of the evidence reviewed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

This report is backed by nearly 31,500 scientists, over 9,000 of whom hold Doctoral degrees. [Stick THAT in yer pipe and smoke it, Mr. Gore!!]

91 posted on 06/14/2009 9:14:13 PM PDT by HKMk23 (The Truth isn't something; it's someone. | Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.)
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance; Jim Robinson; Jeff Head; Pete-R-Bilt; glock rocks; hiredhand; NVDave; ...


Please give me one good verifiable reason why not a single elected California Republican stood up to ask Mr. Obama for his Certificate of Live Birth and the other commonly rendered documents that every other candidate for President has layed out for the voters to examine before voting.

Also, please tell me that you will order that all elected California Republican legislators and bureacrats will join hands in a unified demand to certify that the current Resident of the White House is an American citizen.

The Spirit Of Allegiance, Jim Robinson, Jeff Head, Peterbilt, Glock Rocks, Squantos, hiredhand, NVDave, DaveLoneRanger, Noumenon; joanie-f, Dukie, JohnHuang2, RobFromGa, k.trujillo, Travis McGee, and all other Americans, please join me in asking Mr RON NEHRING, CALIF GOP CHAIRMAN this SINGLE question.

93 posted on 06/14/2009 10:34:05 PM PDT by B4Ranch (Veterans: "There is no expiration date on our oath, to protect America fromnd all enemies, ...")
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To: The Spirit Of Allegiance; pissant; Duncan Hunter; Duncan Hunter Ambassador

As we spoke, I suggested to Ron that he participate in an online discussion at FreeRepublic, and mentioned that Duncan Hunter has done so. He agreed.
***See what we started?

94 posted on 06/14/2009 10:59:09 PM PDT by Kevmo (So America gets what America deserves - the destruction of its Constitution. ~Leo Donofrio, 6/1/09)
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