For human sexuality to be complete, there must be a confluence, a coming together, of the affectionate and physical components of the sexual instinct. When the affectionate needs are weakened and physical sex is all that remains, sex becomes meaningless and life becomes empty.
Sex education programs from kindergarten through high school continuously downgrade the intimate, affectionate, monogamous nature of human sexuality. Whether the sex educators purposefully intend to do so or not, their sex teachings act, nevertheless, to desensitize students to the spiritual quality of human sexuality.
Children should not be encouraged to linger in these early stages of childhood sexual development.
If misguided adults, sex educators or child molesters cause the child to linger in these early sensual stages, an arrest in further sexual growth may occur.
Such an arrest in sexual development, indeed, may happen as a result of the sex teachings given to 3- to 5-year-old children. Sex education given to these kindergarten students consists of repeated demonstrations of nudity, genital anatomy and of showing how humans, as well as animals, mate.
The 3- to 5-year-old has absolutely no need for such sex teachings. The instructions have no beneficial value and can only serve to disrupt the child's further sexual maturation.
The sex teachings given to the 6- to 12-year-old students keep sexual impulses stirred up, disrupting sexual growth, as well as personal and cultural achievements.
A partial summary of adverse effects due to the sex educators' interferences during latency is that they: 1) Make the 6- to 12-year-old student less educable; 2) can block the development of compassion; 3) weaken the mental barriers controlling base sexual instincts, thereby making the child vulnerable to perversions in later life.
In truth, the personality traits that they applaud are the early characteristics of the psychopath--that is, an individual who has no concern for anyone but himself or others in so far as they can serve some purpose for him.
The sex educators' teachings, along with the behavior portrayed by the heroes and heroines in today's movies, have made indelible impressions--scars--on the minds of young people. Gutter sex from these sources shape the character and sexual behavior of many youths.
From these sources youths are taught to remove controls over base aggressive and sexual instincts and to live by instinctual behavior only--these are the characteristics of barbarians.
Thank you! I will be doing further reading:-)