I agree with you 100%..
blacks are a lost cause and the microdemographics there make it impossible...they have gerrymandered themselves
latinos same thing just not quite as severe
Jews ditto but almost too few to matter
PC freepers who eschew this realspeak simply are ignorant of the realities of our new demographics and are focusing on pollyanna whatifs.
aside from Christian whites who can we count on?
Viets, older Cubans and Japanese....anyone else?
We got into this mess in the first place because Republicans brilliantly fell for the argument that race doesn't matter forty-something years ago. Why, America could be 77% black Muslims from the Third World and it wouldn't make a dime's worth of difference. They'd still relate to our Founding Fathers and our history of capitalism and religious liberty. They'd have landed America on the moon in 1969, right on schedule, if they'd come here in 1803 and picked up on Jeffersonian ideals.
So we bought that nonsense, as did the Tories in Britain, and the conservative parties throughout the Western world. And we now have decades of proof that it isn't true, but people still insist that if we only had the right message, we could turn Detroit and East Los Angeles into hotbeds of Republican conservatism.
Anti-Bubba, you wrote:
You won't get enough percentage of the White people to get and maintain power. As a matter of fact if it was attempted the party would actually lose Whites who would not want to be associated with the tactic.
Those were not projections I posted, they were actual percentages of White voters in Presidential elections. The electorate is not getting Whiter. Long term, minorities have to be recruited or the GOP is the new Whig party.
What you're basically saying is that white voters are so imprinted with liberalism that they would rather see America become a Third World nation than be perceived as racist. Note that I said perceived, because there is actually nothing racist about defending oneself against racial aggression. So millions of whites will continue to defer to the Obamas and the Sotomayors as they overtly work to promote the interests of non-whites at the expense of whites. They'll do this on the grounds that resistance would be an immoral tactic they wouldn't want to be associated with.
Well, you're probably right. Which is why at some point the nation will probably balkanize and that will be the end of the American experiment, assuming it isn't over already.
You can just forget about winning non-whites, because with the exception of some Asian groups which aren't all that big, it's a lost cause. So, in all likelihood, is America.
My filipina wife and her sister are uber conservative and realistic.... we sure have seen the better times in this country...sad to see it turn to shit.