What Todd really wanted to say was, “Hey Letterman, you better hope I’m never in the same room with you. Because I will likely stomp you guts out and feed them to my dogs!”
> What Todd really wanted to say was, Hey Letterman, you better hope Im never in the same room with you. Because I will likely stomp you guts out and feed them to my dogs!
I think it is better by *far* that Todd and Sarah Palin kept it classy, rather than threatening Letterman or insinuating violence or revenge.
Particularly Todd, because pushing Letterman’s teeth out the back of his neck would be the earnest desire of every young girl’s protective father, under the same circumstances.
Only weak men make threats, particularly threats that they are unlikely to be able to deliver on. Real Men never make threats, neither do they give warnings. Ever.
Todd comes out of this with his dignity intact, and with no doubt in anybody’s mind that he’s a Real Man, not to be trifled with. He hasn’t embarrassed his classy wife, who also comes out of this looking great (as always).
Letterman comes out of this looking terrible: his words being more appropriate for a filthy child molesterer and a dirty old pervert than a highly-paid late nite television talk show host. If I were the television network I’d be reviewing his contract right about now.
This is the kind of thing that, as a parent, I would be uncontrolable in my response. I would publically smack the pig’s face.