“Im a Christian, but I have no trouble thanking Darwin for his contribution to understanding our world. “
Thank you! You’re using your God-given mind to do what it’s designed to do ... to think.
Darwin, by the way, wrote his book about 150 years ago, using only observations and common sense while showing respect to religions by withholding publication while comtemplating the potential consequences of blasphemy within his book.
Now, thanks to modern instruments, technology and knowledge, Darwin’s “theory” is unquestionably known to be true and there’s a modern and well documented rewrite of Darwin’s work that covers, chapter by chapter, Darwin’s original chapters.
That book is “DARWIN’S GHOST,The Origin of Species UpdaTed” by Steve Jones; and it’s a pure delight to read it.
No, it isn't.
It's merely wished to be true beyond the shadow of a doubt by the evos.