You got that right. It's the Supreme Court that forces issues like the right to life and recognition of natural marriage, to be Federalized instead of left to us to deal with via our institutions of self-government.
Libertarians ought not to oppose social conservatives on this.
Example: From 1791 (the adoption of the Constitution) to 1973, state legislators consistently favored laws curbing abortion as a corrupt practice throughout the 19th century.
Because of the ascendency of Christian social conservatives? No, because of the ascendancy of scientific progress and human rights: the recognition that the developing child is human pre-partum, and that every human needs protection from lethal abuse.
It was an anti-scientific and anti-human-rights Supreme Court which struck down ALL the laws in ALL 50 states in 1973 (even the unprincipled, permissive laws in California and NY) in order to MAKE it a Federal issue.
Thus Roe vs Wade was a victory of an imperial judiciary over an electorate which did not then, and does not now, want their society deformed by abortion on demand.
Notice the same tendency in the so-called Gay Marriage movement. Statewide electoral majorities always vote it down (30 - 0 so far, I believe) but the gay activists main strategy is to get courts to impose it against the popular will.
Thus both abortion and gay marriage violate the core interests of principled libertarians: the restraining of judicial despots, and the right of the American people to govern themselves.
You are so right. The courts have done the same with pornography and the biggest of all: God in the schools.