To: PerConPat
To: CheneyChick
Phony moralizing.
Yep, I love it. I can't wait to read the transcipts of both these speeches. The difference between the two is astounding.
Cheney is doing a great job of chastizing Obama, et al, like the group of little punks that they are.
598 posted on
05/21/2009 8:41:43 AM PDT by
("The demagogue is one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.")
To: CheneyChick
Phony moralizing.
Yes...The one and constant strategy of the Rat party...One voice this morning is that of an empty suit playing to the nickel seats; the other is that of a patriot with the experience and brilliance required to serve the nation well. Sadly, it's not clear that the majority of the American people have any more sense about national security than that which they apply to their personal finances.
Cheney calls attention to Obama's hypocrisy. I wonder how many will listen. Experience keeps a dear school.
682 posted on
05/21/2009 8:52:37 AM PDT by
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